Tai Chi Chuan for Health
Tai Chi Chuan classes at AKFB emphasize the devolpment of strength, balance, and motion coordinated with breathing. A typical class will consist of 30 minutes or so of instructor led light stretching, warmup, and exercises which cultivate flexibility, proper posture, breathing, coordination, balance, and expression of power in technique. Individual stepping patterns are also practiced the way they are utilized in the form. After that, students practice the Tai Chi Chuan Yang Style 24 and 48 frame forms together for the remainder of class. The class atmosphere is one of serious focus, but also support, encouragement, comraderie, and fun. As members of a wider Kung Fu family, we seek to not only cultivate our own Kung Fu skills, but those of our peers as well.
There are two Tai Chi classes, one open to the general public on Tuesday and Thursday in the afternoon, and one on Monday and Wednesday mornings for Senior Citizens only (age 60+)